Why Mentoring is Important ?

At first let me tell you why mentoring session is important?

It’s like diagnosing before operating.

One of the most important thing to be understood about the man is that 99% people are unaware that they are totally asleep with open eyes. They are totally unconscious and unaware of what they are doing. Even while he thinks he is awake, he is not. His awareness is very fragile; his awareness is so tiny it does not matter at all. His awareness is only beautiful name, but utterly empty.

You remain unconscious in the night, you remain unconscious in the day; from beginning to the end you go on changing your patterns of your unawareness, but you never really become conscious. Just by opening your eyes do not befool yourself that you are aware and awake. Unless you have awaken the knight power within you, unless you know how to use your universal power, unless you can see and realize your real power of spirit, Don’t think that you are awake.

That is the greatest confusion and illusion people live in. And once you accept yourself that you are already awake, conscious, then there is no question of making any effort to develop more awareness. And first thing to sink deep in your heart is that you are unconscious and totally asleep.

But you will not make any effort if you go on believing that you are already very intelligent, very conscious, watchful and totally alert; then there is no question of making any effort. Why bother? And unless you know the reality of your being totally unconscious, you can’t be brought to real awareness. You can’t be freed from the imprisonment of your mind.

Freedom is the ultimate goal of our authentic coaching and education, not just changing personality and character on superficial level.

This has to be understood before you registered for one of best mentoring session with one of the best coach in the world.

Freedom is the highest value according to Celebrity coach S A Anand (World Best Life Coach, Best Celebrity life coach ), There is nothing higher than that. But by freedom he does not mean political freedom, social freedom. By freedom he means freedom of Consciousness. Our consciousness is in deep bondage; we are chained. Inside is our freedom not outside. The wall of the prison is not outside us; it exists deep in our unconscious. It exists in our instincts, it exists in our unwanted desire, it exists in our deep unawareness. Freedom is the goal. Awareness is the method to reach to the goal.

And when you are really free you are a master; the slavery disappears. Ordinarily we may appear free , but we are not free. It may appear that we are the choosers, but we are not the choosers. We are being pulled and pushed by unconscious forces.

When you fall in love with woman or man, do you think you have decided it, it is your choice? You know perfectly well you cannot choose to love, you cannot force yourself to love somebody. You are not the master, you are just a slave of a biological force. Nature is forcing you towards something which is not in your choice; you are just a victim. That is our slavery. Even in love we are slave, what to say about other things.

Love seems to be our greatest experience; even that consists of only slavery, even in that we only suffer. People suffer more in love than anything else. The greatest suffering is that it deludes you – it creates the illusion that you are the chooser, and soon you know that you are not the chooser; nature has played a trick upon you. Unconscious forces have taken possession of you. You are acting not your own; you are just a vehicle. That is the first misery that one starts feeling in love, and one misery triggers the whole chain of misery.

Soon you become aware that you have become dependent on other, That without the other you cannot exist, that without the other you start losing all sense of meaning, significance. The other has become your life, you are utterly dependent; hence lover continuously fight, because nobody likes to be dependent, everybody hates dependence. Nobody likes to be possessed by somebody else because to be possessed means to be reduced to a thing.

99% people suffer for the simple reason that every relationship goes on reducing you, goes on making your self-esteem lower and lower.

Universe has not created human being to live like a cat, dog and rat. You are being lived, you are not really living. You are being lived by unconscious forces. Unless you come back to yous senses, unless you become totally aware, unless you take possession of your life, unless you become dependent of your own instinct, you will not be a master. And without being a master there is no ecstasy, bliss and benediction; life remains a hell.

Now universe has not created you to live like this. Infinite intelligence has not created you to live like a zombie. Just to be born in a human body cannot make you a superior being.

And Therefore, you need to find out someone who is a master. Who knows the secret. Who has taken lots of people out of this prison. Celebrity Coach S A Anand is a master who knows the secret. He can teach you how to come out of this prison. And that is the reason he has been awarded 16 times.

He conducts at first mentoring session to find out your level and depth of the problems. And once he can see your problem; he can provide the solution. You bet!

He is so watchful, awake and conscious that if you try to hide he will see it in your unconscious and provide the solutions.

As far as fee is concerned: It is different strokes for different folks. It depends on where you want to go. There is no fixed price… he is not after money; he is after creating great meaning.

Do not worry about fee if you want to become world class. The more a person pays, the more he / she will focus, concentrate and pay attention .

He is a magician. He has been very much misunderstood by lots of people – in fact by friends more than by enemies. He has been misunderstood by lots of people. And the reason is that he is one of the most profound masters and great coach. His insight is so profound that it is bound to be misunderstood. At present nobody else has touched such depths and such heights in coaching profession as S A Anand sir. You bet!